Killer Instinct Wiki

 Movelist Terminology

Directions are assumed facing to the right [→]
  • P: Any Punch
  • K: Any Kick
  • Charge: Hold the direction for at least 1 second
  • Long Charge: Hold the direction for at least 2 seconds
  • Hold: Hold the button for however long
  • Release: Release a held button

  • QP: Quick Punch
  • QK: Quick Kick
  • MP: Medium Punch
  • MK: Medium Kick
  • FP: Fierce Punch
  • FK: Fierce Kick

  • LP: Light Punch
  • LK: Light Kick
  • MP: Medium Punch
  • MK: Medium Kick
  • HP: Heavy Punch
  • HK: Heavy Kick
  • 2P: Any two Punches together
  • 2K: Any two Kicks together
  • 3P: All three Punches together
  • 3K: All three Kicks together

Killer Instinct (2013)[]

Combat Traits[]

Special Chains Shin Hisako can chain into any special attack after performing Shin On Ryo Zan.
Drifting Spirits Shin Hisako can summon one Spirit Orb to the stage at a time, disappearing if it goes off-screen. Attacking a Spirit Orb turns it into a powerful Spirit Strike projectile. Spirit Orbs also change the properties of certain special moves.

Command Attacks[]

Spirit Orb [3P/3K] Shin Hisako summons a stationary Spirit Orb. Holding [→] makes it drift forwards.
Wall Jump [↗] (air, at screen edge) Shin Hisako jumps off the the edge of the screen behind her.
Katana Poke [→ + MP] Shin Hisako jabs forwards with her katana.
Shin Puncture [HK] Shin Hisako stabs low with her katana. Causes stagger.
Ascension [→ →] Shin Hisako's dash teleports forward into the air. Can follow up with aerials. With a Spirit Orb, she teleports to its location.
Throw [→/← + LP+LK] Shin Hisako briefly possesses the opponent. Leaves a Spirit Orb on the opponent that follows them.

Special Moves[]

Shin On Ryo Zan [↓ ↘ → + P] Shin Hisako swings her katana. Can be chained into two more strikes by pressing Punches, or into another special entirely.
Shin Air On Ryo Zan [↓ ↙ ← + K] Shin Hisako leaps and swings her katana. Hits overhead. Heavy version teleports to any Spirit Orb active.
Spirit Slice [↓ ↙ ← + P] Shin Hisako dashes with her katana, leaving a slash behind herself. Heavy version aims toward any Spirit Orb active.
Awakened Soul [→ ↓ ↘ + K] Shin Hisako performs a katana uppercut. Light version stays grounded, Medium and Heavy are rising slashes.

Shadow Attacks[]

Shadow Shin On Ryo Zan [↓ ↘ → + 2P] Shin Hisako advances, swinging her katana five times.
Shadow Shin Air On Ryo Zan [↓ ↙ ← + 2K] Shin Hisako leaps and swings her katana, hitting five times. Projectile invulnerable and recaptures airborne opponents.
Shadow Spirit Slice [↓ ↙ ← + 2P] Shin Hisako dashes with her katana, leaving five slashes behind herself. Travels across the entire screen.
Shadow Awakened Soul [→ ↓ ↘ + 2K] Shin Hisako performs a rising katana uppercut that hits five times. Has full startup invincibility.
ShinHisako HeroArt

Combo Openers[]

Shin On Ryo Zan (Shadow OK) [↓ ↘ → + P]
Shin Air On Ryo Zan (Shadow OK) [↓ ↙ ← + K]

Combo Linkers[]

Shin On Ryo Zan (Shadow OK) [↓ ↘ → + LP/MP]
Shin Air On Ryo Zan (Shadow OK) [↓ ↙ ← + LK/MK]
Spirit Slice (Shadow OK) [↓ ↙ ← + LP/MP]

Combo Enders[]

Shin On Ryo Zan [↓ ↘ → + HP] Wall Splat
Shin Air On Ryo Zan [↓ ↙ ← + HK] Hard Knockdown
Spirit Slice [↓ ↙ ← + HP] Launcher
Awakened Soul (Shadow OK) [→ ↓ ↘ + K] Damage

Instinct Mode[]

Eternal Descent [HP+HK] Shin Hisako summons a mass of ghostly arms that follows the opponent. If they catch them standing, they will be pulled down and then spat back up for massive damage.
Resurgence [HP+HK] (in Instinct) Shin Hisako resets the ghostly arms to her current position.


Ultra Combo [↓ ↙ ← + 3K] Shin Hisako delivers 27 hits to finish the match.
Ultra Ender [MP+MK] (in Ultra) Shin Hisako does a ninja katana slash to end the Ultra Combo.
Stage Ultra [↓ ↙ ← + 3P] Shin Hisako triggers a stage-specific finishing blow.

External Links[]

